2022 Digital@Sea North America ConferenceNavigating Our Digital WaterwaysMay 11-12, 2022 - Tampa, FL CLICK HERE TO REGISTERAbout the 2022 Conference
Digital@Sea North America 2022 will be held on two days, May 11-12, 2022, in the heart of the vibrant port of Tampa. The conference will focus upon the broadening application of the maritime information environment that digitalization is creating and the many initiatives that have advanced since the last North American conference in November of 2019. There is much news to share. Presentations will address digitalization and implementation plans by key stakeholders including key Canadian and U.S. government agency representatives, technology experts, mariners, international coastal administrators, and creators of maritime safety information. The transition from paper to electronic charts, the introduction of S-100, and the opportunities presented by technology, such as the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES), are few examples of the topics to be presented and discussed. The conference is hosted by RTCM and organized under the IALA Digital@Sea series. The IALA format guidelines encourage interaction between speakers and attendees, giving all attendees the opportunity to contribute to the dialogue. Attendees will learn about the evolving tools available to mariners and about significant governmental plans and programs that will affect the maritime community and will have the opportunity to share information about the challenges they face. Digitalization in the maritime community is proceeding rapidly and all segments of the maritime community need to stay abreast of those developments for many reasons, including their overall impact and the potential effect upon operating and regulatory requirements. You should attend this conference if you are interested in knowing how digitalization will impact you and your way of operating--and if you want to have a say! The Florida Aquarium is ideally suited for hosting our meeting and available for tours by you and your guest. We’ve arranged for near-by superb affordable accommodations. We’ll have a full, enjoyable, and informative program with many opportunities for informal exchanges during the program, meal breaks, and a reception with exhibitors and sponsors. Attendees will be able to discuss presentation topics and much more, in a final plenary session to create recommendations about the development and application of digitalization and e-Navigation for submission to maritime administrations and standards setting organizations.