Session 3 - 9:00 AM - 10:45 PM (EDT)
OS1 Amy Cory
Operations Specialist First Class
USCG Search and Rescue
Command Center – Search and Rescue Perspective and Challenges |
Click here for Speaker Bio
CDR John Walters
Medium and Long Range UAS Platform Manager,
United States Coast Guard, Office of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Coast Guard Utilization of Unmanned Systems
CDR Walters will give a summary of current Coast Guard Unmanned Systems efforts, to include Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV), the development of a Coast Guard Unmanned Systems (UxS) strategy, and the applicability of these systems to SAR.
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Mr. Joe Hersey
SC101 Chairperson,
JOECEL Engineering
SC101 - Addressing RCC Challenges
DSC distress alerts with no position information, wrong or unregistered MMSI and causing incessant alarming has plagued SAR watchstandeers and users alike. The IEC standard used to certify DSC-equipped VHF radios used by thousands of boaters, though good in its time, hasn’t been updated in nearly 20 years. RTCM SC101, in cooperation with IEC, has begun tackling these issues.
 Click here for Speaker Bio |
Mr. Allan Knox
SARSAT Program and Policy Analyst |
Will provide an update on the SARSAT system since the last RTCM Conference.
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Mr. Don Meyer
Senior Watch Officer,National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency |
NGA Maritime Watch Update
Provide a refresher overview of the World Wide Navigational Warning Service. An overview of NGA’s modernization efforts for dissemination of Maritime Safety Information. Will also discuss the modernization of NGA’s Publication 117 – Radio Navigational Aids. |

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Session Q & A |
10:45 am - 10:55 am Break |
Session 4 - 10:55 am - 12:30 pm (EDT)
Maritime Communications |
Major General Randy "Church" Kee
Senior Adviser, Arctic Security Affairs, Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies, U.S. Department of Defense
Jason Roe
Alaska and Arctic Communications and
Connectivity Analysis Project
A brief discussion of prior work at the Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC) related to remote region domain awareness in the high latitudes and the subtle, but important differences between ADAC and Ted Stevens Center (TSC) for Arctic Security Studies currently being established. Jason Roe of the TSC will join the discussion. |
Click here for Speaker Bio |
Al Arsenault
Technical Director,
Coast Guard Research & Development Center
Joint Arctic (Polar) Communications Project
The Joint Arctic (Polar) Communications Project presentation will provide an overview of the DoD/Coast Guard Joint Lab Commanders Sync project strategy and objectives, including proposed technology solutions and deployment plans.
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CDR Sam Nassar
Chief, Communications & Infrastructure Division USCG Office of C5I Capabilities |
Arctic and Alaska Communications Challenges and Potential Solutions
This presentation will include an update on the Rescue 21 and the Nationwide AIS (NAIS) programs, and new requirements development efforts involved with their capabilities. Additionally, the presentation will include an overview of past, current, and future Research, Development, and Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) efforts to better understand “Next Generation” Arctic Communications requirements, as well as communications options for Alaska and Arctic mariners. The RDT&E overview will focus on how the Coast Guard is looking at how spaced-based capabilities can augment terrestrial systems in Alaska to improve reliability and expand coverage.
Click here for Speaker Bio |
Capt. Steve White
Executive Director, Marine Exchange of Alaska |
Marine Exchange of Alaska
Arctic traffic and activity continues to increase. Millions have been spent studying the Arctic. Meetings and conferences on the Arctic continue to draw a wide-range of stakeholders and have attention at the highest levels of government. It’s time to stand up the Arctic Watch, a foundation for governance and voluntary compliance.
Click here for Speaker Bio
Kyle Hurst
Director Maritime Safety and Security ServicesIridium Communications |
Iridium GMDSS Update
Iridium GMDSS has been operating for around a year and a half and there have been numerous changes and additions to the system. This presentation will provide an update on these developments and a view on the future.
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Session Q & A |
12:30 pm - 1:40 pm - LUNCH |
Session 5 - 1:40 pm - 3:10 pm (EDT)
Autonomous Shipping |
Captain Mike Trent
Board Member, RTCM Managing Director, MARITECH, USA IHMA Representative, IALA VTS Committee
Session Introduction
An overview of the multi-year series as related to the work and interests of RTCM

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Drew Orvieto
Senior Director of Product Management
Sea Machines Robotics
SeaMachines Robotics - Nellie Bly Voyage
This presentation will cover Sea Machines’ recent advancements in autonomy and remote operation, including completion of a 1000 nm autonomous journey around Denmark and demonstration of high speed autonomy on CMN’s UHSI32 interceptor. |
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Christopher Paiz
Legal Advisor,
Kongsberg Maritime Inc
Autonomy and the Maritime Industry – Myths and Implementation
The use of uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) for data acquisition at sea is providing a new and unique opportunity to improve the quality of data while simultaneously reducing costs. Generally quieter than traditional survey platforms, USVs provide increased swath width and “cleaner” data from multibeam echosounders and other acoustic sensors. These data can support more detailed analysis, modeling and monitoring of offshore survey areas in real-time to make critical decisions needed for safe and profitable operations.
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Dave Jones
Long Endurance Uncrewed Surface Vehicles for Ocean Data Acquisition
Saildrone is the world leader in oceangoing autonomous surface vehicles, providing unrivaled payload, range, and reliability from an uncrewed system. Saildrone vehicles collect data that provides unprecedented intelligence for climate, mapping, and maritime security applications and have sailed over 750,000 nautical miles and spent more than 17,000 days at sea.

Click here for Speaker Bio |
Session Q & A |
3:10 pm - 3:20 pm Break |
Session 6 - 3:20 pm - 4:45 pm (EDT)
Global Perspective |
Mr. Francis Zachariae
Secretary-General IALA |
IALA Perspective
A short introduction to the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), the history and the challenges ahead in the digitalized maritime future. An introduction to the new IALA as an Intergovernmental Organization and the possibilities for further cooperation between RTCM and IALA.
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Mr. Steve Lett
Head of Secretariat,
International Cospas-Sarsat Programme
Cospas-Sarsat Report
Mr. Lett will provide an update on Cospas-Sarsat, the sole global network capable of independently locating (with and without aid of GPS coordinates) distress-beacon signals of aircraft, ships and people engaging in recreational activities in remote areas. These alerts, which to date have aided in the rescue of more than 55,000 persons from over 18,000 distress incidents, are provided around the clock, free of charge to search-and-rescue agencies in more than 200 countries and territories through cooperation among the Programme’s 43 member nations, and affiliated organizations such as the European Union’s Galileo programme. |
Click here for Speaker Bio
Peter Broadhurst
Maritime Senior Vice President Safety,
Security, Yachting and Passenger
Proactive Safety
Inmarsat will soon release the new Fleet Safety service as their next generation safety product. However Inmarsat has also been working on some novel techniques to improve safety in line with increasing digitalization of the maritime industry. This presentation will cover the now, the next and the future of maritime safety.
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Session Q & A |
Session 7 - 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm (EDT)
RTCM - 75 Years |
Joe Hersey
SC137 Chairperson,
JOECEL Engineering
Evolving Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards
and Their Effect on Maritime and Transportation
RTCM Special Committee 137 was created almost three years ago to address severe interference from LEDs to shipboard VHF and AIS. In completing its first standard, much was learned about EMC standards used throughout the transportation industries, how problems are being addressed, and where the gaps are. This is what we’ve learned.
Click here for Speaker Bio
Bob Markle
RTCM Board of Directors, Co-Vice Chairman
RTCM - 75 Years in Review
Two days away from the 75th anniversary of the founding of RTCM, we will review the reasons for the establishment of the organization, and some of its activities in the early years.
Click here for Speaker Bio |
Session Q & A |
Closing Remarks |
RTCM's 75th Annual Assembly Celebration
Evening Reception - 6:00-7:30 PM - The Florida Aquarium |