2023 Digital@Sea North America Conference   April 18-19, 2022 - Montreal, Canada

Navigating Digital Waterways of the Future:  Waypoints to Safer and More Efficient Voyages

DAY 1 - Conference Program

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Session 1:  9:00 AM - 9:25 AM (EDT)
2023 Digital@Sea North America Opening Session
Omar Eriksson
Deputy Secretary-General
Dean of the IALA World-Wide Academy

Ed Wendlandt
Welcome and Introduction to 

2023 Digital@Sea North America Conference



Mario Pelletier
Canadian Coast Guard
Keynote Address


Session 2 - 9:25 AM - 10:35 AM (EDT)
e-Navigation Drivers and Implementation Updates
Moderator: Antonella Ferro
Antonella Ferro
Director, Marine Navigation Programs
Canadian Coast Guard

Canadian Coast Guard Opening Remarks

The Canadian Coast Guard will provide an overview of its Marine Navigational Programs and its ongoing efforts to modernize marine navigation service delivery in Canada, with a focus on e-Navigation as a driver to advance the digital delivery of marine navigational programs and highlight the Canadian Coast Guard’s role as the Head of Delegation for Canada at IALA and related collaboration opportunities

 Captain Steven Ramassini
Chief, Office of Navigation Systems
U.S. Coast Guard
 U.S. Coast Guard – Aligning to Deliver a Digital Future

The presentation outlines the U.S. Coast Guard’s strategic alignment to leverage technology to deliver the future of world class service to the mariner.  The presentation will touch upon the importance of, and alignment to work supporting the evolving S-100 digital standards, interagency cooperation and alignment to these efforts, and how that work is in alignment to other international, collaborative efforts.  The presentation wraps up with a meaningful look into products already being delivered to the maritime community using digital, on-demand delivery.  


Annette Gibbons, 
Deputy Minister
of Fisheries and Oceans and
the Canadian Coast Guard
Remarks from the Deputy Minister 


Louis Maltais
Director, Navigation-Geospatial 
Services and Support
Canadian Hydrographic Service
 International Hydrographic Organization / Canadian Hydrographic Service 
Implementation Plans Relative to Digitalization

S-100 is the standard that will enable the digitalization of the maritime environment. Key milestones dates related to this new geospatial standard implementation are now defined. International Hydrographic Organization(IHO) transition plan will be discussed and Canadian Hydrographic Service initiatives towards IHO objectives will be presented. 

Darren Wright
Precision Marine Navigation
Program Manager
NOAA / Office of Coast Survey

NOAA’s Precision Marine Navigation Program

NOAA defines Precision Marine Navigation (PMN) as the ability of a vessel to safely and efficiently navigate and operate in close proximity to other vessels, the seafloor, bridges, narrow channels, or other marine hazards. NOAA is developing a PMN program to foster a safer, more efficient, and more sustainable marine transportation system by developing marine navigation data products and services that can aid mariners at every step of the navigation process. NOAA’s PMN program aims to make NOAA’s weather, oceanographic, and bathymetric data more accessible. The collective value of NOAA datasets is significantly greater than when they are disseminated separately or are not easily discovered. The PMN program is building out the information infrastructure that enables the full use of this data for navigation purposes.


10:35 AM - 10:45 AM - Break
 Session 3 - 10:45 AM - 12:10 PM (EDT)
Updates on Regulatory Context
Moderator: Mr. Dave Lewald
Fred Pot
Executive Technical Consultant
 BM Bergmann Marine

A Regulatory-Based Information Exchange between
Ship and Shore of Administrative and Operational Data 

Global Implementation of automated information exchange between ship and shore 

System Description 

Point-to-Point Communications Channels for information exchanges between ship and shore using an on-board solution that automatically exchanges information with ports that are on the Voyage Plan and with the Owner/Operator. The exchanges will be achieved either through webservice or with e-mail attachments. 

The on-board solution will need to gather all information to be exchanged with shore-based entities from on-board and shore-based systems. 
   The presentation will cover:
     1.      Development
     2.      Supporting Global Standards
     3.      Funding 

Alexandre Leduc
Manager, Navigation Safety
and Radiocommunications Division

Transport Canada

Evgeny Babchenko
 Senior Marine Safety Inspector,
Navigation Safety and
Radiocommunications Division

Transport Canada

Canada’s Electronic Chart System Regulatory Regime and Future Requirements

  • Overview of Canada’s nautical charts and systems requirements for domestic and foreign vessels.
  • Small vessels nautical chart issues (current and anticipated)
  • Safety criterias to be considered  




 CDR W. Christian Adams
CG-NAV 3,  Navigation Technology &
Risk Management Division Chief

U.S. Coast Guard

Chart Regulations – Taking a Fix

This presentation will provide a summary the statutory drivers for updating regulations for electronic chart and associated navigation equipment carriage.  The presentation will include a status update the Coast Guard’s current rule making efforts and note some of the key issues currently identified.

Mr. Alain Godard
General Manager, 
Marine Information Systems
The St. Lawrence Seaway
Management Corporation
 Development of a St. Lawrence Seaway Voyage Information System

The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation is developing a Voyage Information System (VIS) for the St. Lawrence Seaway maritime corridor.  The VIS is a collaborative data sharing environment that will connect maritime stakeholders to enable more informed decision making and allow for improved coordination and planning of resources required in a marine vessel’s transit throughout the Seaway.


12:10 PM - 13:40 PM - Lunch
Session 4 - 13:40 PM - 15:00 PM (EDT)
Mariners' Perspectives on e-Navigation
Moderator: Natasha McMahon
Chad Allen
Director, Marine Operations
Shipping Federation of Canada

Mariners’ Workshop 2023 – Recap and Outcomes

The Mariners’ Workshop is an annual event held in partnership with Government Authorities, mariners and other stakeholders which centers on modernizing Canadian wayerways while focusing on the needs of mariners.  This presentation will provide a summary of the 2023 Workshop including highlights and outcomes.

Pascal Rheaume
National Center of Expertise on 
Maritime Pilotage
The Use of S-100 Products by Pilots

S-100 will bring major changes in the use of electronic navigation. After piloting hundreds of ships with S-102 charts, I am fully able to appreciate the advantages and how this is going to increase the pilot situational awareness during his mission.


Campbell Hennessy
Navigation Officer
Canadian Coast Guard
e-Navigation on the Edge

 15:00 PM - 15:15 PM - Break
Session 5 - 15:15 PM - 17:00 PM (EDT)
Maritime Digitalization Perspectives
Moderator: Jorge Arroyo
Natasha McMahon
National Manager of 
Aids to Navigation and Waterways
Canadian Coast Guard
Canadian Coast Guard Digitalization of
Marine Navigation Services – Making Headway!

The presentation will explore how the concepts are now becoming more concrete. With testing, evaluation and feedback, the traditional navigation services are taking form and allowing for the next phase of discussions in order to continue refining efficient and reliable products for the future.



David Lewald
Program Analyst, Navigation Systems

Overview of Efforts Related to Digitization of MSI in the U.S.

The presentation will review U.S. plans to modernize methods to disseminate Marine Safety Information (MSI) through digital communication systems.  The presentation will also provide an update to the Waterway Harmonization Project which will become the organizing foundation for machine-to-machine delivery of MSI.  

 Mike Richards
Technical Officer
Digitalisation: The Challenges and Perspectives
of the OEMs

A presentation on some of the thoughts and opinions on digitalization of the maritime industry that CIRM has obtained from its members. The OEMs expressed views on VDES, NAVDAT, satellite services, digital VHF voice, maritime 5G and S100.

Joe Sluka
Commercial Marine Sales Director
Rose Point Navigation

State of the Market vs S100 Implementation
and Technology Challenges

As NOAA and other hydrographic offices transition away from paper and raster charts, I will discuss our work to help the industry become paperless and address technology challenges.  I will discuss how we are working with regulators, when possible, to stay ahead of the coming changes and how we are educating and advising the industry on what steps they should be taking now to make ready for some of the proposed changes without creating onerous costs.  I will also talk to how the development team at Rose Point is making operational and situational awareness improvements for mariners by allowing the electronics in the wheelhouse to “talk” to each other more fluidly.

Mr. Jean-François Belzile
Harbour Master and Director
of Marine Operations
Montreal Port Authority

Dr. Will Hipson
Data Scientist
Global Spatial Technology

Digitized Trade Routes

A corridor valued for its contribution to sustainable maritime transport, supply chain collaboration, and port call optimization .
The Digital Corridor concept is about accurate, real-time communication between ports, terminal operators, and ocean carriers to achieve just-in-time port calls, improve efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.
The Corridor will allow ocean carriers, ports, and terminals to exchange data, enabling digital planning and operational optimization. Supporting JIT Arrivals aimed at:
• reducing time at anchorage and therefore reducing congestion in the port area.
             • Enabling ships to optimise their steaming speed, thereby lowering fuel consumption, and reducing emissions. 



Q&A / Wrap-up
17:30 PM - 19:30 PM - Evening Reception/Dinner